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Technology is omnipresent and has an important impact on the market and on our daily lives.

Therefore, technological solutions are constantly evolving, which requires companies to be always on the lookout for new developments.

In this article, we’ll look at the IT trends to watch closely in 2023.


IT Trend 1 : Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates all aspects of our daily lives and is, according to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, « more important than fire and electricity ».

Indeed, since AI is an extension of human intelligence, it allows individuals and companies to save time and increase productivity.

In 2023, the trend is to use the power of AI as a complement to human beings to optimize their work methods, and their results, by using its ability to process complex work, in large quantities and quickly, at lower costs.

Many AI tools and applications facilitate millions of users, here are some tools and their roles: generate product visuals
Imagica: application creation
Chat GPT, Chatbot, editorial assistance
Murf Ai : voice over, professional audio content creation : advertising creation, visuals


IT trend 2 : Blockchain

Basically, the blockchain is a system that works thanks to several actors who regulate and contribute to its functioning. It also records the history of all the exchanges that have taken place since its creation.

For example, if you want to make a money transfer, you must formulate this task to your banker, who, once all the conditions are met, makes the transfer : you have to go through an intermediary, in this case the banker, whom we have no choice but to trust and who will carry out the requested task.

The blockchain, on the other hand, is a system regulated by its own users, who will ensure its proper functioning by adding data, unforgeable, secure and stored. This allows the decentralization of the control thanks to a network built around consensus and encryption, in order to avoid dependence, fraud and to reinforce the security of the data, their storage and their treatment.

We have for example Carrefour which since 2019 has begun to integrate the blockchain system in the traceability process of their product, or Awake, a French watch brand, which uses it to ensure the traceability of manufacturing and tracking of a watch (its previous owners, know if it is original, etc.).

Thus, blockchain technology will stimulate an evolution of the relationship with digital property and promote greater consumption in the process.


IT trend 3 : Sustainability

Technology must be developed in an environmental sustainable manner. The extraction of raw materials needed to manufacture computer hardware can have a negative impact on the environment, while the energy needed to power and cool data centers can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Not to mention that consumers and investors are increasingly looking for green credentials from companies.

By 2025, without sustainable AI practices, AI will consume more energy than human labor, significantly offsetting zero carbon gains.

There are practices emerging to significantly reduce energy consumption for ML.

It is therefore important to consider the environmental impact of computing and seek to develop sustainable technologies and practices to minimize this impact. This can include using environmentally friendly materials in the manufacture of IT equipment, designing energy-efficient data centers, and adopting recycling and reuse practices for IT equipment.

Example: by using the .webp format, you are helping to reduce your environmental footprint by using less bandwidth and consuming less energy to load your website images.


IT Trend 4: Virtual Workspaces

Through 2027, fully virtual workspaces will account for 30 percent of the growth in enterprise investment in metaverse technologies.

Indeed, the repetitive confines of Covid19 have disrupted our work habits and methods. As a result, telecommuting has grown dramatically, to the point where virtual workspaces can replace the physical office.

During this time, we have rediscovered virtual workspaces and their benefits:

Flexibility: ability to hire and bring employees together regardless of their geographic location, employees can work from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection
Cost savings: companies can save on rent and equipment rental costs by opting for virtual offices, but also represents a reduction in travel costs for employees
Productivity: Employees can often be more productive when they work independently and in a work environment that suits them.
Note that this can lead to slacking off or social isolation, so care must be taken to maintain structure and keep your teams motivated.

If you have any questions or would like to set up virtual offices for your company, contact us.


IT Trend 5: Web 3

Web 3, also known as the « semantic web, » is a concept that refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web, which aims to improve the way information is organized, stored and shared on the Internet.

It relies on technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence to enable computers to better understand and process data on the Web. The goal is to make information on the Web more easily accessible and usable by computers and humans, to make it easier to find and analyze information.

Web 3 also aims to improve security and privacy on the Internet by using advanced encryption technologies to protect data, improve the decentralization of the Web by allowing multiple parties to share and control data, rather than a single company or organization.

Being still in development, it is difficult to predict exactly how it will evolve in the future. However, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we use and interact with the Web.

« The idea behind the Web was to make publishing possible for everyone; the idea of Web 2.0 was that readers should also be writers, » says Whit Andrews, an analyst vice president at Gartner. « Web3 is intended to give any Web participant their own autonomous power and control. »

« Web3 innovations will take the Internet into new realms and give rise to applications that were not possible before, » says Avivah Litan, analyst vice president at Gartner.


Little extra:

Cloud hosting and cybersecurity are also factors to keep in mind in 2023:

70% of all enterprise workloads will be deployed in a cloud infrastructure by 2023, up from 40% in 2020
49% of organizations report experiencing a data breach in the past two years, up from 39% in our survey the previous year
1 organization experiences a ransomware attack every 14 seconds.

Learn more about our cloud hosting and cybersecurity offerings and benefits or contact us to learn more.




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